Online courses

by CSE Dept, IIT Madras

Please scroll down to view all the courses currently offered online. Each course contains detailed information about the course, lecture links and quizzes for practise.

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Introduction to Programming

The computer is often a very handy tool when solving complex technical problems in engineering and scientific…

Languages, Machines and Computation

The objective of the course is to introduce students to the foundations of computation. Objectives The objective of the…

Foundations of Computer System Design

This course is intended to understand the different components of a computer system, namely, digital hardware, the…

Programming and Data Structures

The objective of the course is to teach programming (with an emphasis on problem solving) and introduce elementary data…

Object Oriented Lab

The course objectives include teaching the fundamentals of object-oriented concepts and programming with implementation…

Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms

This course provides foundations of the practical implementation and usage of advanced Algorithms and Data Structures…

Compiler Design

The objectives are to teach students a understanding of some of the standard passes in a general purpose compiler and to…

Paradigms of Programming

Paradigm can also be termed as method to solve some problem or do some task. Programming paradigm is an approach to…

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